10-year-old boy named Toriyasu and his sweet, somewhat whiny seven-year-old sister named Meeko. Their pet dog, Papadoll, has been missing for a week. Naturally, Meeko is worried, but Toriyasu doesn't seem to care in the slightest, thinking he ran off. Meeko claims otherwise: The chain that kept him from running away had been cut, so she believes that Papadoll was abducted by aliens for experimentation. Though Toriyasu mocks Meeko for her over-imaginative ways, she's closer to the solution than she realizes. On the way to school, Meeko sees what looks like a cat in clothes slipping into the shadows.
Alternate Title: Totsuzen! Neko no Kuni Banipal Witt
Genre: Adventure, Family
Age Rating: All Ages
Year: 1995
Audio: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Running Time: 76 minutes
Director: Takashi Nakamura
Watch Catnapped!Audio: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Running Time: 76 minutes
Director: Takashi Nakamura
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